I am privileged to endorse Mike Clancy for U.S. Congress in VA-10. Mike is a man of principle and integrity who loves his country, and I believe in my heart he will serve us and fight for us in Congress with everything he’s got. Mike is the faithful conservative leader who will win for us in November. Please join me in supporting Mike for Congress.
— Yesli Vega Prince William County Supervisor, Coles District

Yesli Vega

We are a nation in crisis that is moving in the wrong direction. We need determined conservative leadership in the U.S. Congress to set our country back on the right course. Mike Clancy is that leader. Mike is the candidate with the determination, experience, and expertise to go to work for us on DAY ONE fighting back against the radical left agenda and leading us forward to RESTORE AMERICA. Join me in voting for Mike Clancy.
— lan Lovejoy VA House of Delegates District 22

Ian Lovejoy

I am endorsing Mike Clancy in his race for Congress for the 10th Congressional District.

When I retired from the Senate in 2020, our state and our nation were in good hands. But in 2021, President Biden took office and Democrats controlled the House and Senate. Almost immediately, violence rocked the nation, inflation skyrocketed and the crisis at the border began.

Mike Clancy is determined to restore the greatness of our land and promote the goodness of its people. He is a faithful, pro-family conservative, who will lead America back to stability, responsibility and solidarity. I am pleased to endorse Mike Clancy for Congress.
— Senator Dick Black (Ret.)

Sen. Dick Black (Ret.)

Mike knows that restoring America starts with protecting children from progressive indoctrination in our schools. Mike will fight tenaciously for the fundamental rights of all parents, merit over equity, and school choice for every family. Join me in supporting Mike Clancy for U.S. Congress.
— Tiffany Polifko, Loudoun School Board, 2022-23

Tiffany Polifko

We must fight to Restore America, an America based on our foundational values and the Constitution. We need Mike Clancy in the U.S. Congress for this fight. Mike has the integrity, fortitude, and passion to fight for us, for our values and for the Constitution. Join me in supporting Mike Clancy for Congress. We need his leadership.
— Xi Van Fleet, Author Mao’s America

Xi Van Fleet

I have had the pleasure to know and work with Mike Clancy for a few years now and I am excited that he is running for the U.S. Congress in Virginia’s 10th District. Mike is right for Congress and right for Virginia! He genuinely cares about you and your family. I am proud to endorse my good friend Mike Clancy because I know him well and with his experience, hard work, and voice in Washington, D.C., we can end Biden’s crippling inflation, reckless spending, and dangerous border chaos.
— Theresa Coates Ellis Manassas City Councilwoman

Theresa Coates Ellis

I wholeheartedly endorse Mike Clancy to be our next Representative from the 10th Congressional District of Virginia. I have known Mike and his wife, Lynn, for many years, and I can attest to their wonderful family and strong conservative values. Mike is an attorney, a constitutional conservative, and a business executive with expertise in the cyber domain, which are both ever so important today in maintaining our constitutional rights, and fending off Russia and China. Mike’s stellar professional career also includes service in the General Counsel’s office for the Secretary of the Navy. Mike is the only candidate with deep experience in high-tech, business, cybersecurity, and constitutional law. Mike is the candidate best positioned to WIN.
— Howie Lind Former Chairman of the 10th Congressional District | 2016 Delegate to the Republican National Convention

Howie Lind

It is my privilege to endorse Mike Clancy for Congress in VA-10. Mike is a principled conservative, a man of faith and integrity, and an exemplary leader who puts service over self. …. We need Mike Clancy in Congress.
— Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves

Sen. Bryce Reeves

Mike is the free-market, limited government conservative we need in Congress to take action against the Democrats’ destructive economic agenda, and to implement pro-growth, free market policies. Please join me in supporting Mike Clancy for Congress.
— Stephen Moore, Chief Economist, FreedomWorks

Stephen Moore


Mike has the leadership skills to communicate effectively and legislate solutions that are meaningful to the people of our district. His vision to RESTORE AMERICA includes revitalizing our economy, securing our border, and bringing sorely needed fiscal responsibility to Washington. Mike is a man of principle and integrity whom we can trust to represent our values.
— Creal French

Creal French


Prince William County Supervisor, Coles District


Manassas City Councilwoman


Former Chairman of the 10th Congressional District | Former RPV State Central Committee Member 2012 Delegate to the Republican National Convention | 2016 Delegate to the Republican National Convention

Ian Lovejoy

VA House of Delegates District 22

Senator Dick Black (Ret.)


Chief Economist, FreedomWorks


Virginia State Senator


Author: Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning


Loudoun School Board (2022-2023)